StarRocks version 1.19
Release date: Octorber 22, 2021
New Feature
- Implement Global Runtime Filter, which can enable runtime filter for shuffle join.
- CBO Planner is enabled by default, improved colocated join, bucket shuffle, statistical information estimation, etc.
- [Experimental Function] Primary Key table release: To better support real-time/frequent update feature, StarRocks has added a new table type: Primary Key table. The Primary Key table supports Stream Load, Broker Load, Routine Load and also provides a second-level synchronization tool for MySQL data based on Flink-cdc.
- [Experimental Function] Support write function for external tables. Support writing data to another StarRocks cluster table by external tables to solve the read/write separation requirement and provide better resource isolation.
- Performance optimization.
- count distinct int statement
- group by int statement
- or statement
- Optimize disk balance algorithm. Data can be automatically balanced after adding disks to a single machine.
- Support partial column export.
- Optimize show processlist to show specific SQL.
- Support multiple variable settings in SET_VAR .
- Improve the error reporting information, including table_sink, routine load, creation of materialized view, etc.
StarRocks-DataX Connector
- Support setting interval flush StarRocks-DataX Writer.
Bug Fixes
- Fix the issue that the dynamic partition table cannot be created automatically after the data recovery operation is completed. # 337
- Fix the problem of error reported by row_number function after CBO is opened.
- Fix the problem of FE stuck due to statistical information collection
- Fix the problem that set_var takes effect for session but not for statements.
- Fix the problem that select count(*) returns abnormality on the Hive partition external table.
Release date: November 2, 2021
- Optimize the performance of
show frontends
. # 507 # 984 - Add monitoring of slow queries. # 502 # 891
- Optimize the fetching of Hive external metadata to achieve parallel fetching.# 425 # 451
Bug Fixes
- Fix the problem of Thrift protocol compatibility, so that the Hive external table can be connected with Kerberos. # 184 # 947 # 995 # 999
- Fix several bugs in view creation. # 972 # 987# 1001
- Fix the problem that FE cannot be upgraded in grayscale. # 485 # 890
Release date: November 20, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fix the problem that repeat node cannot do predicate push-down# 1410 # 1417
- Repair the problem that routine load may lost data when the cluster alter leader node during import.# 1074 # 1272
- Fix the problem that creation view cannot support union # 1083
- Fix some stability issues of Hive external table# 1408
- Fix an issue with group by view# 1231
Release date: November 30, 2021
- Upgrade jprotobuf version to improve security # 1506
Bug Fixes
- Fix some problems with group by result correctness
- Fix some problems with grouping sets# 1395 # 1119
- Fix the problem of some indicators of date_format
- Fix a boundary condition issue with aggregated streamming# 1584
- For details, please refer tolink
Release date: December 9, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fix the bug of wrong query result with predicate Cross Join # 1918
- Fix the bug of decimal type and time type conversion # 1709 # 1738
- Fix the bug of colocate join/replicate join selection error # 1727
- Fix several plan cost calculation problems
Release date: December 20, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Upgrade Log4j2 to 2.17.0, fix security vulnerabilities# 2284# 2290
- Fix the problem of empty partition in Hive external table# 707# 2082
Release date: March 18, 2022
Bug Fixes
The following bugs are fixed: