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Version: Latest-3.4

View Running Queries

This article describes how to view running queries in StarRocks and analyze their resource consumption.


show proc '/current_queries' allows you to view the queries running on the current FE node, including the following information:

Column NameDescription
StartTimeQuery start time
feIpIP address of the FE node executing the query
QueryIdQuery ID
ConnectionIdConnection ID
DatabaseDatabase where the query is running
UserUser executing the query
ScanBytesAmount of data scanned
ScanRowsNumber of rows scanned
MemoryUsageAmount of memory used by the query
DiskSpillSizeAmount of data spilled to disk
CPUTimeCPU time consumed by the query
ExecTimeQuery execution time
WarehouseWarehouse used by the query
CustomQueryIdUser-defined query ID
ResourceGroupResource group used by the query


MySQL > show proc '/current_queries'\G
***************************[ 1. row ]***************************
StartTime | 2025-03-07 02:16:04
feIp |
QueryId | 10db481c-fab7-11ef-8063-461f20abc3f0
ConnectionId | 13
Database | tpcds_2
User | root
ScanBytes | 120.573 MB
ScanRows | 5859503 rows
MemoryUsage | 225.893 MB
DiskSpillSize | 0.000 B
CPUTime | 47.878 s
ExecTime | 4.077 s
Warehouse | default_warehouse
CustomQueryId |
ResourceGroup | rg1


Similar to current_queries, show proc '/global_current_queries' shows information about queries running on all FE nodes. This command is supported since version 3.4.


MySQL root@127.1:(none)> show proc '/global_current_queries'\G
***************************[ 1. row ]***************************
StartTime | 2025-03-07 02:21:48
feIp |
QueryId | de516505-fab7-11ef-8063-461f20abc3f0
ConnectionId | 14
Database | tpcds_2
User | root
ScanBytes | 120.573 MB
ScanRows | 5859503 rows
MemoryUsage | 346.915 MB
DiskSpillSize | 0.000 B
CPUTime | 33.265 s
ExecTime | 3.032 s
Warehouse | default_warehouse
CustomQueryId |
ResourceGroup | rg1

running queries

SHOW RUNNING QUERIES is mainly used to view the Query Queue status. If a query is in the queue, it will be in a PENDING state.

Field NameDescription
QueryIdQuery ID
ResourceGroupIdResource group ID
StartTimeQuery start time
PendingTimeoutWaiting timeout
QueryTimeoutQuery timeout
StateQuery state, including PENDING and RUNNING
SlotsNumber of slots occupied
FragmentsNumber of fragments in the query plan
DOPDegree of parallelism
FrontendFE node information
FeStartTimeFE start time


MySQL root@127.1:(none)> show running queries\G
***************************[ 1. row ]***************************
QueryId | 50029ec1-fab8-11ef-8063-461f20abc3f0
ResourceGroupId | 562275
StartTime | 2025-03-07 02:24:59
PendingTimeout | 2025-03-07 02:27:29
QueryTimeout | 2025-03-07 02:27:29
Slots | 1
Fragments | 11
DOP | 0
Frontend |
FeStartTime | 2025-03-06 23:39:00