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Version: Latest-3.4


You can view the grantees of roles by querying the view role_edges.


By default, only users or roles with the user_admin role can access this view. You can grant other users the SELECT privilege on this view using GRANT.

The following fields are provided in role_edges:

FROM_ROLEThe role that is granted. Multiple records with the same FROM_ROLE can be returned because a role can be granted to multiple roles and users.
TO_ROLEThe role to whom the current FROM_ROLE is granted. NULL is returned if the current FROM_ROLE is granted to a user.
TO_USERThe user to whom the current FROM_ROLE is granted. NULL is returned if the current FROM_ROLE is granted to a role.


MySQL > SELECT * FROM sys.role_edges;
| dba_leader | director | NULL |
| dba | dba_leader | NULL |
| dba | NULL | 'aneesh'@'%' |
| dba | NULL | 'chelsea'@'%' |
| dba_leader | NULL | 'albert'@'%' |
| director | NULL | 'stan'@'%' |
| root | NULL | 'root'@'%' |

The following diagram illustrates the nesting relation of the granted roles in the preceding example:
