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Version: Latest-3.4



Displays all the privileges that have been granted to a user or role.

For more information about roles and privileges, see Overview of privileges.


All roles and users can view the privileges granted to them or the roles assigned to them. Only users with the user_admin role can view the privileges of a specified user or role.


SHOW GRANTS; -- View the privileges of the current user.
SHOW GRANTS FOR ROLE <role_name>; -- View the privileges of a specific role.
SHOW GRANTS FOR <user_identity>; -- View the privileges of a specific user.


  • role_name
  • user_identity

Return fields:

-- View the privileges of a specific user.
|UserIdentity |Catalog | Grants |

-- View the privileges of a specific role.
|RoleName |Catalog | Grants |
UserIdentityThe user identity, which is displayed when you query the privileges of a user.
RoleNameThe role name, which is displayed when you query the privileges of a role.
CatalogThe catalog name.
default is returned if the GRANT operation is performed on the StarRocks internal catalog.
The name of the external catalog is returned if the GRANT operation is performed on an external catalog.
NULL is returned if the operation shown in the Grants column is assigning roles.
GrantsThe specific GRANT operation.


| UserIdentity | Catalog | Grants |
| 'root'@'%' | NULL | GRANT 'root', 'testrole' TO 'root'@'%' |

mysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user_g'@'%';
|UserIdentity |Catalog |Grants |
|'user_g'@'%' |NULL |GRANT role_g, public to `user_g`@`%`; |
|'user_g'@'%' |NULL |GRANT IMPERSONATE ON USER `user_a`@`%` TO USER `user_g`@`%`; |
|'user_g'@'%' |default |GRANT CREATE_DATABASE ON CATALOG default_catalog TO USER `user_g`@`%`; |
|'user_g'@'%' |default |GRANT ALTER, DROP, CREATE_TABLE ON DATABASE db1 TO USER `user_g`@`%`; |
|'user_g'@'%' |default |GRANT CREATE_VIEW ON DATABASE db1 TO USER `user_g`@`%` WITH GRANT OPTION; |
|'user_g'@'%' |default |GRANT ALTER, DROP, SELECT, INGEST, EXPORT, DELETE, UPDATE ON TABLE db.* TO USER `user_g`@`%`; |
|'user_g'@'%' |default |GRANT ALTER, DROP, SELECT ON VIEW db2.view TO USER `user_g`@`%`; |
|'user_g'@'%' |Hive_catalog |GRANT USAGE ON CATALOG Hive_catalog TO USER `user_g`@`%` |

mysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR ROLE role_g;
|RoleName |Catalog | Grants |
|role_g |NULL | GRANT role_p, role_test TO ROLE role_g; |
|role_g |default | GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO ROLE role_g WITH GRANT OPTION; |
