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Version: Latest-3.2



Defines data files in remote storage.

From v3.1.0 onwards, StarRocks supports defining read-only files in remote storage using the table function FILES(). It can access remote storage with the path-related properties of the files, infers the table schema of the data in the files, and returns the data rows. You can directly query the data rows using SELECT, load the data rows into an existing table using INSERT, or create a new table and load the data rows into it using CREATE TABLE AS SELECT.

From v3.2.0 onwards, FILES() supports writing data into files in remote storage. You can use INSERT INTO FILES() to unload data from StarRocks to remote storage.

Currently, the FILES() function supports the following data sources and file formats:

  • Data sources:
    • HDFS
    • AWS S3
    • Google Cloud Storage
    • Other S3-compatible storage system
    • Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
  • File formats:
    • Parquet
    • ORC (Currently not supported for unloading data)


  • Data loading:

    FILES( data_location , data_format [, StorageCredentialParams ] [, columns_from_path ] )
  • Data unloading:

    FILES( data_location , data_format [, StorageCredentialParams ] , unload_data_param )


All parameters are in the "key" = "value" pairs.


The URI used to access the files. You can specify a path or a file.

  • To access HDFS, you need to specify this parameter as:

    "path" = "hdfs://<hdfs_host>:<hdfs_port>/<hdfs_path>"
    -- Example: "path" = "hdfs://"
  • To access AWS S3:

    • If you use the S3 protocol, you need to specify this parameter as:

      "path" = "s3://<s3_path>"
      -- Example: "path" = "s3://path/file.parquet"
    • If you use the S3A protocol, you need to specify this parameter as:

      "path" = "s3a://<s3_path>"
      -- Example: "path" = "s3a://path/file.parquet"
  • To access Google Cloud Storage, you need to specify this parameter as:

    "path" = "s3a://<gcs_path>"
    -- Example: "path" = "s3a://path/file.parquet"
  • To access Azure Blob Storage:

    • If your storage account allows access over HTTP, you need to specify this parameter as:

      "path" = "wasb://<container>@<storage_account><blob_path>"
      -- Example: "path" = "wasb://"
    • If your storage account allows access over HTTPS, you need to specify this parameter as:

      "path" = "wasbs://<container>@<storage_account><blob_path>"
      -- Example: "path" = "wasbs://"


The format of the data file. Valid values: parquet and orc.


The authentication information used by StarRocks to access your storage system.

StarRocks currently supports accessing HDFS with the simple authentication, accessing AWS S3 and GCS with the IAM user-based authentication, and accessing Azure Blob Storage with Shared Key.

  • Use the simple authentication to access HDFS:

    "" = "simple",
    "username" = "xxxxxxxxxx",
    "password" = "yyyyyyyyyy"
    KeyRequiredDescription authentication method. Valid value: simple (Default). simple represents simple authentication, meaning no authentication.
    usernameYesThe username of the account that you want to use to access the NameNode of the HDFS cluster.
    passwordYesThe password of the account that you want to use to access the NameNode of the HDFS cluster.
  • Use the IAM user-based authentication to access AWS S3:

    "aws.s3.access_key" = "xxxxxxxxxx",
    "aws.s3.secret_key" = "yyyyyyyyyy",
    "aws.s3.region" = "<s3_region>"
    aws.s3.access_keyYesThe Access Key ID that you can use to access the Amazon S3 bucket.
    aws.s3.secret_keyYesThe Secret Access Key that you can use to access the Amazon S3 bucket.
    aws.s3.regionYesThe region in which your AWS S3 bucket resides. Example: us-west-2.
  • Use the IAM user-based authentication to access GCS:

    "fs.s3a.access.key" = "xxxxxxxxxx",
    "fs.s3a.secret.key" = "yyyyyyyyyy",
    "fs.s3a.endpoint" = "<gcs_endpoint>"
    fs.s3a.access.keyYesThe Access Key ID that you can use to access the GCS bucket.
    fs.s3a.secret.keyYesThe Secret Access Key that you can use to access the GCS bucket.
    fs.s3a.endpointYesThe endpoint that you can use to access the GCS bucket. Example:
  • Use Shared Key to access Azure Blob Storage:

    "azure.blob.storage_account" = "<storage_account>",
    "azure.blob.shared_key" = "<shared_key>"
    azure.blob.storage_accountYesThe name of the Azure Blob Storage account.
    azure.blob.shared_keyYesThe Shared Key that you can use to access the Azure Blob Storage account.


From v3.2 onwards, StarRocks can extract the value of a key/value pair from the file path as the value of a column.

"columns_from_path" = "<column_name> [, ...]"

Suppose the data file file1 is stored under a path in the format of /geo/country=US/city=LA/. You can specify the columns_from_path parameter as "columns_from_path" = "country, city" to extract the geographic information in the file path as the value of columns that are returned. For further instructions, see Example 4.


From v3.2 onwards, FILES() supports defining writable files in remote storage for data unloading. For detailed instructions, see Unload data using INSERT INTO FILES.

-- Supported from v3.2 onwards.
"compression" = "<compression_method>",
"partition_by" = "<column_name> [, ...]",
"single" = { "true" | "false" }
compressionYesThe compression method to use when unloading data. Valid values:
  • uncompressed: No compression algorithm is used.
  • gzip: Use the gzip compression algorithm.
  • snappy: Use the SNAPPY compression algorithm.
  • zstd: Use the Zstd compression algorithm.
  • lz4: Use the LZ4 compression algorithm.
partition_byNoThe list of columns that are used to partition data files into different storage paths. Multiple columns are separated by commas (,). FILES() extracts the key/value information of the specified columns and stores the data files under the storage paths featured with the extracted key/value pair. For further instructions, see Example 5.
singleNoWhether to unload the data into a single file. Valid values:
  • true: The data is stored in a single data file.
  • false (Default): The data is stored in multiple files if the amount of data unloaded exceeds 512 MB.

Usage notes

From v3.2 onwards, FILES() further supports complex data types including ARRAY, JSON, MAP, and STRUCT in addition to basic data types.


Example 1: Query the data from the Parquet file parquet/par-dup.parquet within the AWS S3 bucket inserttest:

"path" = "s3://inserttest/parquet/par-dup.parquet",
"format" = "parquet",
"aws.s3.access_key" = "XXXXXXXXXX",
"aws.s3.secret_key" = "YYYYYYYYYY",
"aws.s3.region" = "us-west-2"
| c1 | c2 |
| 1 | {"1": "key", "1": "1", "111": "1111", "111": "aaaa"} |
| 2 | {"2": "key", "2": "NULL", "222": "2222", "222": "bbbb"} |
2 rows in set (22.335 sec)

Example 2: Insert the data rows from the Parquet file parquet/insert_wiki_edit_append.parquet within the AWS S3 bucket inserttest into the table insert_wiki_edit:

MySQL > INSERT INTO insert_wiki_edit
"path" = "s3://inserttest/parquet/insert_wiki_edit_append.parquet",
"format" = "parquet",
"aws.s3.access_key" = "XXXXXXXXXX",
"aws.s3.secret_key" = "YYYYYYYYYY",
"aws.s3.region" = "us-west-2"
Query OK, 2 rows affected (23.03 sec)
{'label':'insert_d8d4b2ee-ac5c-11ed-a2cf-4e1110a8f63b', 'status':'VISIBLE', 'txnId':'2440'}

Example 3: Create a table named ctas_wiki_edit and insert the data rows from the Parquet file parquet/insert_wiki_edit_append.parquet within the AWS S3 bucket inserttest into the table:

MySQL > CREATE TABLE ctas_wiki_edit AS
"path" = "s3://inserttest/parquet/insert_wiki_edit_append.parquet",
"format" = "parquet",
"aws.s3.access_key" = "XXXXXXXXXX",
"aws.s3.secret_key" = "YYYYYYYYYY",
"aws.s3.region" = "us-west-2"
Query OK, 2 rows affected (22.09 sec)
{'label':'insert_1a217d70-2f52-11ee-9e4a-7a563fb695da', 'status':'VISIBLE', 'txnId':'3248'}

Example 4: Query the data from the Parquet file /geo/country=US/city=LA/file1.parquet (which only contains two columns -id and user), and extract the key/value information in its path as columns returned.

"path" = "hdfs://",
"format" = "parquet",
"" = "simple",
"username" = "xxxxx",
"password" = "xxxxx",
"columns_from_path" = "country, city"
| id | user | country | city |
| 1 | richard | US | LA |
| 2 | amber | US | LA |
2 rows in set (3.84 sec)

Example 5: Unload all data rows in sales_records as multiple Parquet files under the path /unload/partitioned/ in the HDFS cluster. These files are stored in different subpaths distinguished by the values in the column sales_time.

"path" = "hdfs://",
"format" = "parquet",
"" = "simple",
"username" = "xxxxx",
"password" = "xxxxx",
"compression" = "lz4",
"partition_by" = "sales_time"
SELECT * FROM sales_records;