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Version: Latest-3.3



Filters key-value pairs in a map by applying a Boolean array or a Lambda expression to each key-value pair. The pair that evaluates to true is returned.

This function is supported from v3.1 onwards.


MAP map_filter(any_map, array<boolean>)
MAP map_filter(lambda_func, any_map)
  • map_filter(any_map, array<boolean>)

    Evaluates key-value pairs in any_map one by one against array<boolean> and returns key-value pairs that evaluate to true.

  • map_filter(lambda_func, any_map)

    Applies lambda_func to the key-value pairs in any_map one by one and returns key-value pairs whose result is true.


  • any_map: the map value.

  • array<boolean>: the Boolean array used to evaluate the map value.

  • lambda_func: the Lambda expression used to evaluate the map value.

Return value

Returns a map whose data type is the same as any_map.

If any_map is NULL, NULL is returned. If array<boolean> is null, an empty map is returned.

If a key or value in the map value is NULL, NULL is processed as a normal value.

The Lambda expression must have two parameters. The first parameter represents the key. The second parameter represents the value.


Use array<boolean>

The following example uses map_from_arrays() to generate a map value {1:"ab",3:"cdd",2:null,null:"abc"}. Then each key-value pair is evaluated against array<boolean> and the pair whose result is true is returned.

mysql> select map_filter(col_map, array<boolean>[0,0,0,1,1]) from (select map_from_arrays([1,3,null,2,null],['ab','cdd',null,null,'abc']) as col_map)A;
| map_filter(col_map, ARRAY<BOOLEAN>[0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) |
| {null:"abc"} |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> select map_filter(null, array<boolean>[0,0,0,1,1]);
| map_filter(NULL, ARRAY<BOOLEAN>[0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) |
| NULL |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> select map_filter(col_map, null) from (select map_from_arrays([1,3,null,2,null],['ab','cdd',null,null,'abc']) as col_map)A;
| map_filter(col_map, NULL) |
| {} |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Use Lambda expression

The following example uses map_from_arrays() to generate a map value {1:"ab",3:"cdd",2:null,null:"abc"}. Then each key-value pair is evaluated against the Lambda expression and the key-value pair whose value is not null is returned.

mysql> select map_filter((k,v) -> v is not null,col_map) from (select map_from_arrays([1,3,null,2,null],['ab','cdd',null,null,'abc']) as col_map)A;
| map_filter((k,v) -> v is not null, col_map) |
| {1:"ab",3:"cdd",null:'abc'} |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)