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Version: Latest-3.4


Returns the value of x associated with the minimum value of y.

For example, SELECT min_by(subject, exam_result) FROM exam; is to return the subject that has the lowest exam score.

This function is supported from v2.5.




  • x: an expression of any type.
  • y: an expression of a type that can be ordered.

Return value

Returns a value that has the same type as x.

Usage notes

  • y must be a sortable type. If you use an unsortable type of y, such as bitmap or hll, an error is returned.
  • If y contains a null value, the row that corresponds to the null value is ignored.
  • If more than one value of x has the same minimum value of y, this function returns the first value of x encountered.


  1. Create a table exam.

    CREATE TABLE exam (
    subject_id INT,
    subject STRING,
    exam_result INT
    ) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`subject_id`);
  2. Insert values into this table and query data from this table.

    insert into exam values

    select * from exam order by subject_id;
    | subject_id | subject | exam_result |
    | 1 | math | 90 |
    | 2 | english | 70 |
    | 3 | physics | 95 |
    | 4 | chemistry | 85 |
    | 5 | music | 95 |
    | 6 | biology | null |
    6 rows in set (0.03 sec)
  3. Obtain the subject that has the lowest score. The subject english that has the lowest score 70 is returned.

    SELECT min_by(subject, exam_result) FROM exam;
    | min_by(subject, exam_result) |
    | english |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)