Java UDFs
From v2.2.0 onwards, you can compile user-defined functions (UDFs) to suit your specific business needs by using the Java programming language.
From v3.0 onwards, StarRocks supports global UDFs, and you only need to include the GLOBAL
keyword in the related SQL statements (CREATE/SHOW/DROP).
This topic how to develop and use various UDFs.
Currently, StarRocks supports scalar UDFs, user-defined aggregate functions (UDAFs), user-defined window functions (UDWFs), and user-defined table functions (UDTFs).
You have installed Apache Maven, so you can create and compile Java projects.
You have installed JDK 1.8 on your servers.
The Java UDF feature is enabled. You can set the FE configuration item
in the FE configuration file fe/conf/fe.conf to enable this feature, and then restart the FE nodes to make the settings take effect. For more information, see Parameter configuration.
Develop and use UDFs
You need to create a Maven project and compile the UDF you need by using the Java programming language.
Step 1: Create a Maven project
Create a Maven project, whose basic directory structure is as follows:
| |--main
| | |--java
| | |--resources
| |--test
Step 2: Add dependencies
Add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
Step 3: Compile a UDF
Use the Java programming language to compile a UDF.