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Version: Latest-3.4


tables provides information about tables.

The following fields are provided in tables:

TABLE_CATALOGName of the catalog that stores the table.
TABLE_SCHEMAName of the database that stores the table.
TABLE_NAMEName of the table.
TABLE_TYPEType of the table. Valid values: BASE TABLE or VIEW.
ENGINEEngine type of the table. Valid values: StarRocks, MySQL, MEMORY or an empty string.
VERSIONApplies to a feature not available in StarRocks.
ROW_FORMATApplies to a feature not available in StarRocks.
TABLE_ROWSRow count of the table.
AVG_ROW_LENGTHAverage row length (size) of the table. It is equivalent to DATA_LENGTH/TABLE_ROWS. Unit: Byte.
DATA_LENGTHThe data length of the table is determined by summing the data length of the table across all replicas. Unit: Byte.
MAX_DATA_LENGTHApplies to a feature not available in StarRocks.
INDEX_LENGTHApplies to a feature not available in StarRocks.
DATA_FREEApplies to a feature not available in StarRocks.
AUTO_INCREMENTApplies to a feature not available in StarRocks.
CREATE_TIMEThe time when the table was created.
UPDATE_TIMEThe last time when the table was updated.
CHECK_TIMEThe last time when a consistency check was performed on the table.
TABLE_COLLATIONThe default collation of the table.
CHECKSUMApplies to a feature not available in StarRocks.
CREATE_OPTIONSApplies to a feature not available in StarRocks.
TABLE_COMMENTComment on the table.