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Version: Latest-3.4


materialized_views provides information about all materialized views.

The following fields are provided in materialized_views:

MATERIALIZED_VIEW_IDID of the materialized view.
TABLE_SCHEMADatabase in which the materialized view resides.
TABLE_NAMEName of the materialized view.
REFRESH_TYPERefresh type of the materialized view. Valid values: ROLLUP (synchronous materialized view), ASYNC (asynchronous refresh materialized view), and MANUAL (manual refresh materialized view). When the value is ROLLUP, all fields related to activation status and refresh are empry.
IS_ACTIVEIndicates whether the materialized view is active. Inactive materialized views cannot be refreshed or queried.
INACTIVE_REASONThe reason that the materialized view is inactive.
PARTITION_TYPEType of partitioning strategy for the materialized view.
TASK_IDID of the task responsible for refreshing the materialized view.
TASK_NAMEName of the task responsible for refreshing the materialized view.
LAST_REFRESH_START_TIMEStart time of the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_FINISHED_TIMEEnd time of the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_DURATIONDuration of the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_STATEState of the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_FORCE_REFRESHIndicates whether the most recent refresh task was a force refresh.
LAST_REFRESH_START_PARTITIONStarting partition for the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_END_PARTITIONEnding partition for the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_BASE_REFRESH_PARTITIONSBase table partitions involved in the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_MV_REFRESH_PARTITIONSMaterialized view partitions refreshed in the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_ERROR_CODEError code of the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_ERROR_MESSAGEError message of the most recent refresh task.
TABLE_ROWSNumber of data rows in the materialized view, based on approximate background statistics.
MATERIALIZED_VIEW_DEFINITIONSQL definition of the materialized view.