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Version: Latest-3.4

Data Cache

This topic describes the working principles of Data Cache and how to enable Data Cache to improve query performance on external data. From v3.3.0, Data Cache is enabled by default.

In data lake analytics, StarRocks works as an OLAP engine to scan data files stored in external storage systems, such as HDFS and Amazon S3. The I/O overhead increases as the number of files to scan increases. In addition, in some ad hoc scenarios, frequent access to the same data doubles I/O overhead.

To optimize the query performance in these scenarios, StarRocks 2.5 provides the Data Cache feature. This feature splits data in an external storage system into multiple blocks based on predefined policies and caches the data on StarRocks backends (BEs). This eliminates the need to pull data from external systems for each access request and accelerates queries and analysis on hot data. Data Cache only works when you query data from external storage systems by using external catalogs or external tables (excluding external tables for JDBC-compatible databases). It does not work when you query StarRocks native tables.

How it works

StarRocks splits data in an external storage system into multiple blocks of the same size (1 MB by default), and caches the data on BEs. Block is the smallest unit of data cache, which is configurable.

For example, if you set the block size to 1 MB and you want to query a Parquet file of 128 MB from Amazon S3, StarRocks splits the file into 128 blocks. The blocks are [0, 1 MB), [1 MB, 2 MB), [2 MB, 3 MB) ... [127 MB, 128 MB). StarRocks assigns a globally unique ID to each block, called a cache key. A cache key consists of the following three parts.

hash(filename) + fileModificationTime + blockId

The following table provides descriptions of each part.

Component itemDescription
filenameThe name of the data file.
fileModificationTimeThe last modification time of the data file.
blockIdThe ID that StarRocks assigns to a block when splitting the data file. The ID is unique under the same data file but is not unique within your StarRocks cluster.

If the query hits the [1 MB, 2 MB) block, StarRocks performs the following operations:

  1. Check whether the block exists in the cache.
  2. If the block exists, StarRocks reads the block from the cache. If the block does not exist, StarRocks reads the block from Amazon S3 and caches it on a BE.

After Data Cache is enabled, StarRocks caches data blocks read from external storage systems.

Storage media of blocks

StarRocks uses the memory and disks of BE machines to cache blocks. It supports cache solely on memory or on both the memory and disks.

If you use disks as the storage media, the cache speed is directly affected by the performance of disks. Therefore, we recommend that you use high-performance disks such as NVMe disks for data cache. If you do not have high-performance disks, you can add more disks to relieve disk I/O pressure.

Cache replacement policies

StarRocks supports the tiered cache of memory and disk. You can also configure full memory cache only or full disk cache only according to your business requirements.

When both memory cache and disk cache are used:

  • StarRocks first reads data from memory. If the data is not found in memory, StarRocks will read the data from disks and try to load the data read from disks into memory.
  • Data discarded from memory will be written to disks. Data discarded from disks will be deleted.

Memory cache and disk cache evict cache items based on their own eviction policies. StarRocks now supports the LRU (least recently used) and SLRU (Segmented LRU) policies to cache and evict data. The default policy is SLRU.

When the SLRU policy is used, the cache space is divided into an eviction segment and a protection segment, both of which are controlled by the LRU policy. When data is accessed for the first time, it enters the eviction segment. The data in the eviction segment will enter the protection segment only when it is accessed again. If the data in the protection segment is evicted, it will enter the eviction segment again. If the data in the eviction segment is evicted, it will be removed from the cache. Compared to LRU, SLRU can better resist sudden sparse traffic and avoid protection segment data from being directly evicted by data that have only been accessed once.

Enable Data Cache

Now, Data Cache is enabled by default, and the system caches data in the following ways:

  • The system variables enable_scan_datacache and the BE parameter datacache_enable are set to true by default.
  • A datacache directory is created as the cache directory under storage_root_path. From v3.4.0 onwards, directly changing the disk cache path is no longer supported. If you want to set a path, you can create a Symbolic Link.
  • If the memory and disk limits are not configured, the system will automatically set memory and disk limits by following these rules:
    • The system enables automatic disk space adjustment for Data Cache. It sets the limit to ensure that the overall disk usage is around 80%, and dynamically adjusts according to subsequent disk usage. (You can modify this behavior with the BE parameters datacache_disk_high_level, datacache_disk_safe_level, and datacache_disk_low_level.)
    • The default memory limit for Data Cache is 0. (You can modify this with the BE parameter datacache_mem_size.)
  • The system adopts asynchronous cache population by default to minimize its impact on data read operations.
  • The I/O adaptor feature is enabled by default. When the disk I/O load is high, the system will automatically route some requests to remote storage to reduce disk pressure.

To disable Data Cache, execute the following statement:

SET GLOBAL enable_scan_datacache=false;

Populate data cache

Population rules

Since v3.3.2, in order to improve the cache hit rate of Data Cache, StarRocks populates Data Cache according to the following rules:

  • The cache will not be populated for statements that are not SELECT, for example, ANALYZE TABLE and INSERT INTO SELECT.
  • Queries that scan all partitions of a table will not populate the cache. However, if the table has only one partition, population is performed by default.
  • Queries that scan all columns of a table will not populate the cache. However, if the table has only one column, population is performed by default.
  • The cache will not be populated for tables that are not Hive, Paimon, Delta Lake, Hudi, or Iceberg.

You can view the population behavior for a specific query with the EXPLAIN VERBOSE command.


mysql> explain verbose select col1 from hudi_table;
| 0:HudiScanNode |
| TABLE: hudi_table |
| partitions=3/3 |
| cardinality=9084 |
| avgRowSize=2.0 |
| dataCacheOptions={populate: false} |
| cardinality: 9084 |

dataCacheOptions={populate: false} indicates that the cache will not be populated because the query will scan all partitions.

You can also fine tune the population behavior of Data Cache via the Session Variable populdate_datacache_mode.

Population mode

StarRocks supports populating Data Cache in synchronous or asynchronous mode.

  • Synchronous cache population

    In synchronous population mode, all the remote data read by the current query is cached locally. Synchronous population is efficient but may affect the performance of initial queries because it happens during data reading.

  • Asynchronous cache population

    In asynchronous population mode, the system tries to cache the accessed data in the background, in order to minimize the impact on read performance. Asynchronous population can reduce the performance impact of cache population on initial reads, but the population efficiency is lower than synchronous population. Typically, a single query cannot guarantee that all the accessed data can be cached. Multiple attempts may be needed to cache all the accessed data.

From v3.3.0, asynchronous cache population is enabled by default. You can change the population mode by setting the session variable enable_datacache_async_populate_mode.


The cached data in disks can be persistent by default, and these data can be reused after BE restarts.

Check whether a query hits data cache

You can check whether a query hits data cache by analyzing the following metrics in the query profile:

  • DataCacheReadBytes: the size of data that StarRocks reads directly from its memory and disks.
  • DataCacheWriteBytes: the size of data loaded from an external storage system to StarRocks' memory and disks.
  • BytesRead: the total amount of data that is read, including data that StarRocks reads from an external storage system, and its memory and disks.

Example 1: In this example, StarRocks reads a large amount of data (7.65 GB) from the external storage system and only a few data (518.73 MB) from the memory and disks. This means that few data caches were hit.

 - Table: lineorder
- DataCacheReadBytes: 518.73 MB
- __MAX_OF_DataCacheReadBytes: 4.73 MB
- __MIN_OF_DataCacheReadBytes: 16.00 KB
- DataCacheReadCounter: 684
- __MAX_OF_DataCacheReadCounter: 4
- __MIN_OF_DataCacheReadCounter: 0
- DataCacheReadTimer: 737.357us
- DataCacheWriteBytes: 7.65 GB
- __MAX_OF_DataCacheWriteBytes: 64.39 MB
- __MIN_OF_DataCacheWriteBytes: 0.00
- DataCacheWriteCounter: 7.887K (7887)
- __MAX_OF_DataCacheWriteCounter: 65
- __MIN_OF_DataCacheWriteCounter: 0
- DataCacheWriteTimer: 23.467ms
- __MAX_OF_DataCacheWriteTimer: 62.280ms
- __MIN_OF_DataCacheWriteTimer: 0ns
- BufferUnplugCount: 15
- __MAX_OF_BufferUnplugCount: 2
- __MIN_OF_BufferUnplugCount: 0
- BytesRead: 7.65 GB
- __MAX_OF_BytesRead: 64.39 MB
- __MIN_OF_BytesRead: 0.00

Example 2: In this example, StarRocks reads a large amount of data (46.08 GB) from data cache and no data from the external storage system, which means StarRocks reads data only from data cache.

Table: lineitem
- DataCacheReadBytes: 46.08 GB
- __MAX_OF_DataCacheReadBytes: 194.99 MB
- __MIN_OF_DataCacheReadBytes: 81.25 MB
- DataCacheReadCounter: 72.237K (72237)
- __MAX_OF_DataCacheReadCounter: 299
- __MIN_OF_DataCacheReadCounter: 118
- DataCacheReadTimer: 856.481ms
- __MAX_OF_DataCacheReadTimer: 1s547ms
- __MIN_OF_DataCacheReadTimer: 261.824ms
- DataCacheWriteBytes: 0.00
- DataCacheWriteCounter: 0
- DataCacheWriteTimer: 0ns
- BufferUnplugCount: 1.231K (1231)
- __MAX_OF_BufferUnplugCount: 81
- __MIN_OF_BufferUnplugCount: 35
- BytesRead: 46.08 GB
- __MAX_OF_BytesRead: 194.99 MB
- __MIN_OF_BytesRead: 81.25 MB

In addition to caching data from files in remote storage during queries against data lakes, StarRocks also supports caching the metadata (Footer) parsed from files. Footer Cache directly caches the parsed Footer object in memory. When the same file's Footer is accessed in subsequent queries, the object descriptor can be obtained directly from the cache, avoiding repetitive parsing.

Currently, StarRocks supports caching Parquet Footer objects.

You can enable Footer Cache by setting the following system variable:

SET GLOBAL enable_file_metacache=true;


Footer Cache uses the memory module of the Data Cache for data caching. Therefore, you must ensure that the BE parameter datacache_enable is set to true and configure a reasonable value for datacache_mem_size.

I/O Adaptor

To prevent significant tail latency in disk access due to high cache disk I/O load, which can lead to negative optimization of the cache system, Data Cache provides the I/O adaptor feature. This feature routes some cache requests to remote storage when disk load is high, utilizing both local cache and remote storage to improve I/O throughput. This feature is enabled by default.

You can enable I/O Adaptor by setting the following system variable:

SET GLOBAL enable_datacache_io_adaptor=true;

Dynamic Scaling

Data Cache supports manual adjustment of cache capacity without restarting the BE process, and also supports automatic adjustment of cache capacity.

Manual Scaling

You can modify Data Cache's memory limit or disk capacity by dynamically adjusting BE configuration items.


-- Adjust the Data Cache memory limit for a specific BE instance.
UPDATE be_configs SET VALUE="10G" WHERE NAME="datacache_mem_size" and BE_ID=10005;

-- Adjust the Data Cache memory ratio limit for all BE instances.
UPDATE be_configs SET VALUE="10%" WHERE NAME="datacache_mem_size";

-- Adjust the Data Cache disk limit for all BE instances.
UPDATE be_configs SET VALUE="2T" WHERE NAME="datacache_disk_size";


  • Be cautious when adjusting capacities in this way. Make sure not to omit the WHERE clause to avoid modifying irrelevant configuration items.
  • Cache capacity adjustments made this way will not be persisted and will be lost after the BE process restarts. Therefore, you can first adjust the parameters dynamically as described above, and then manually modify the BE configuration file to ensure that the changes take effect after the next restart.

Automatic Scaling

StarRocks currently supports automatic scaling of disk capacity. If you do not specify the cache disk path and capacity limit in the BE configuration, automatic scaling is enabled by default.

You can also enable automatic scaling by adding the following configuration item to the BE configuration file and restarting the BE process:


After automatic scaling is enabled:

  • When the disk usage exceeds the threshold specified by the BE parameter datacache_disk_high_level (default value is 80, that is, 80% of disk space), the system will automatically evict cache data to free up disk space.
  • When the disk usage is consistently below the threshold specified by the BE parameter datacache_disk_low_level (default value is 60, that is, 60% of disk space), and the current disk space used by Data Cache is full, the system will automatically expand the cache capacity.
  • When automatically scaling the cache capacity, the system will aim to adjust the cache capacity to the level specified by the BE parameter datacache_disk_safe_level (default value is 70, that is, 70% of disk space).

Configurations and variables

You can configure Data Cache using the following system variables and BE parameters.

System variables

BE Parameters