ποΈ like
Checks whether a given expression fuzzy matches the specified pattern. If yes, 1 is returned. Otherwise, 0 is returned. NULL is returned if any of the input parameter is NULL.
ποΈ regexp
Checks whether a given expression matches the regular expression specified by pattern. If yes, 1 is returned. Otherwise, 0 is returned. NULL is returned if any of the input parameter is NULL.
ποΈ regexp_extract
This function returns the first matching substring in the target value which matches the regular expression pattern. It extracts the item in pos that matches the pattern. The pattern must completely match some parts of str so that the function can return parts needed to be matched in the pattern. If no matches are found, it will return an empty string.
ποΈ regexp_extract_all
Extracts all substrings from the target string (str) that matches a regular expression pattern (pattern) and corresponds to the regex group index specified by pos. This function returns an array.
ποΈ regexp_replace
This function uses repl to replace a sequence of characters in str that matches a regular expression pattern.